In Monarch, we supply and install satellite communication systems.We supply and repair VSAT Systems, Inmarsat Equipment ( Inm-C, Mini-M, Fleet, Fleet Broadband, Fleet Phone), Iridium, Thuraya.
We also offer full communication services, Accounting Authority, Activations via our partners, Otesat, Stratos-Inmarsat, 711, Vizada, Evosat, Telaurus, Milano Teleport, Singtel.
Monarch is a leading provider of global mobile satellite communications and marine technical services;

Automatic Identification System is also among the types of a navigation system that helps to pinpoint the location and other navigational statistics of ships. AIS uses VHF radio channels as transmitters and receivers to send and receive messages between ships which endeavours to fulfil many responsibilities. As per the regulation enforced by The International Maritime Organisation (IMO), all passengers’ vessels and commercial ships over 299 Gross Tonnage (GT) sailing in the international to carry a Class A AIS transponder.

Ship Security Alert System is part of the ISPS code and is a system that contributes to the International Maritime Organization's (IMO)'s efforts to strengthen maritime security and suppress acts of terrorism and piracy against shipping.
The system is an IMO regulated system. In case of attempted piracy or terrorism, the ship's SSAS beacon can be activated, and appropriate law-enforcement or military forces can be dispatched. An SSAS beacon operates with similar principles to the aircraft transponder emergency code 7700.

Electronic Chart Display and Information System is a development in the navigational chart system used in naval vessels and ships. ECDIS complies with IMO Regulation V/19 & V/27 of SOLAS convention as amended, by displaying selected information from a System Electronic Navigational Chart (SENC). ECDIS equipment complying with SOLAS requirements can be used as an alternative to paper charts. Besides enhancing navigational safety, ECDIS greatly eases the navigator’s workload with its automatic capabilities such as route planning, route monitoring, automatic ETA computation and ENC updating. In addition, ECDIS provides many other sophisticated navigation and safety features, including continuous data recording for later analysis.

Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon, is used as a distress alerting system, indicating to SAR authorities both the identity and position of a person or a vessel, which is in grave and imminent danger and requires immediate assistance. Every EPIRB is pre-programmed with a unique identity before it reaches the customer. This is done by the manufacturer or, in some cases, the distributor. The identity includes a 3 digit country code. This is the country that takes responsibility for storing that particular EPIRB’s registration details.
In most cases this is the country to which the vessel is flagged. The country programmed into your EPIRB can be found from its identity label where usually all the necessary markings are, except the vessel's name.

Gyro Compass
It is used for finding the right direction. Unlike magnetic compass, gyro compass is not hampered by an external magnetic field. It is used to find the correct North Position, which is also the earth’s rotational axis to provide a stable directional source. Its repeater system must be present in the steering platform for emergency steering.

Radio Surveys & Certification
All ships must be surveyed and verified by officers of the flag State Administrations or their recognized organizations (ROs)/recognized security organizations (RSOs)/nominated surveyors so that relevant certificates can be issued to establish that the ships are designed, constructed, maintained and managed in compliance with the requirements of IMO Conventions, Codes and other instruments. 3mushrooms, is certified by many Classification Societies to contact surveys for GMDSS, AIS, SSAS, EPIRB and certifications for GMDSS Handheld VHF, SART and EPIRB.
AAIC- Accounting Authority Services

Every ship station needs to abide to ITU regulations and have internationally recognized accounting authority. According to these regulations all maritime communications traffic must be prefixed with the officially recognized accounting authority identification code, AAIC, for the accounting authority responsible for the settlement of their radio accounts. An Administration that accepts an accounting authority outside its own country for maritime mobile stations under its flag is responsible for notifying the ITU of this fact and of the Accounting Authority Identification Code (AAIC) allocated to that accounting authority. Monarch Telecom Ltd is Accounting Authority CY01 and it provides all the relevant services.

The use for CCTV aboard ship is fast becoming an important aid to the safety and security of the crew, passengers and the vessel itself. Whether your aboard a Trawler or other fishing vessel, a private Yacht or even a luxury cruise liner CCTV has an important part to play.
AFT-DECK-VIEW: The deck view camera provides the operator with a good view of people working on deck, machinery and stowed equipment.
BRIDGE-WING/DRAGHEAD VIEW: The Bridge wing camera is used for observation of the ships gangways and for manoeuvring and mooring of the ship.
NIGHT VISION OBSERVATION-VIEW: The PTZ thermal image camera is a night vision camera used for warning the operator of any object that is approaching the vessel.
ENGINE/PUMP ROOM-VIEW: Detects oil spills or smoke forming, before any of the detection systems gives a warning.
FWD-VIEW/OVERFLOW: With a pan & tilt zoom camera the operator can have a view of the front part of the ship.
ANCHOR-WINCHVIEW: Checks if the cable is running properly onto the reel.
TVRO-Satellite TV
Our satellite TV antennas bring high performance to your on-board entertainment that you would expect from your home entertainment system. Housed in a compact dome, our systems automatically track and receive satellite TV signals in almost any conditions that guarantee quick, clear and reliable access to many digital channels. With marine satellite TV system on-board, you’ll enjoy high performance tracking, wide geographic coverage, and clear reception when watching your favorite programming.

Mobile Handhelds

Monarch Telecom ensures greater mobility and connectivity as well as better value with our sophisticated, innovative mobile solutions. Our Broadband Global Area Network (BGAN) service allows you high mobility, low data usage and an all-in-one terminal for easy deployment, giving immediate voice and broadband data communications anywhere in the world with small, lightweight satellite terminals, very critical during disaster recoveries and news reporting and gathering. Our partners from Inmarsat and Iridium’s range of extremely rugged Satellite phones offer superior voice quality and very low call drop rates.

Cyber Security
With complete bandwidth management and fair distribution of bandwidth, prevents flooding attacks, downtime and high consumption of bandwidth among users, which automatically results into high level of service quality. It manages business traffic, crew welfare and it provides complete security. It provides full protection against viruses, malware, spam, flooding attacks and we filter.