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5G What’s In it For Me!!

Writer's picture: airkeleairkele

#5G is a revolution in #Telecommunications that is unimaginable at this stage and it will transform our day to day activities at our home and business environments.

After reading numerous articles from the Telecommunication giants involved like Huawei, Nokia, AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile, it’s obvious that during 2019 5G implementation will be completed. We will, soon then, be enjoying faster #internet connections that will empower, Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and eventually 8K UHD video.

5G and Businesses

Businesses will have the opportunity to thrive by using 5G as they will be able to change the way they work, #collaborate, #innovate and #serve their customers and that would be only the beginning… Every single industry, business, and experience will be changed by 5G, its time for all of us to learn deeply what 5G could do for our companies.

The Five Leaps of 5G

I have read a few months ago a very informative article written by #Abdalla Al Tamimi about latency, The milliseconds that can make or break your business. That article was just the beginning in allowing me to comprehend what vast improvements 5G will be able to deliver in #latency, #speed, #coverage, #capacity and #density. These five elements are crucial in making new #technologies available.

IoT (Internet of Things)

My generation has managed to live historical achievements in technology, from black and white TV to colour TV, from handwritten Airline Tickets to automated and now ticket-less (e-tickets). Now we will witness a huge growth of connected devices, #IoT (Internet of Things) with the tremendous support of 5G. RPA (Robotic Process Automation) is expected to be able to produce reports from thousands of #sensors about location, orientation, status and the environment of #devices.


When Will 5G be Available?

5G technology is expected to officially launch across the world by 2020. The US, China and South Korea are expected to be some of the first nations to introduce full 5G networks, with other nations to follow. Numerous organizations are occupied with ensuring their networks and devices are '5G ready' in time for 2020, which means a few networks may dispatch before at that point.

What’s In It For Me (WIIFM)

Below I have a list of only some of the things that will eventually revolutionize everything in our lives with the support of 5G.

1.      Speeds up to 100 times faster than today would be accomplished.

2.      Incredibly smart robots with instant feedback in as close to real-time as possible.

3.      Near real-time traffic, updates can help first responders get to an accident scene much faster thus saving lives.

4.      Fully connected and automated manufacturing experience with extraordinary levels of machine learning and AI (Artificial Intelligence).

5.      Driver-less cars- Autonomous Fleets

6.      Reduced traffic jams, increased safety and faster arrival at your destination.

7.      Smart city technologies will improve the quality of our lives.

8.      #Remote surgery is getting closer and closer…

There is more information about 5G that I have found very interesting but I have decided to stick with the most important ones. Since I’m a newcomer in #satellitecommunications I’m #committed to achieve an even better #knowledge and seek ways with our #Team to apply these new enhancements for the benefit of our #customers in the #maritime industry.


Published by:

General Manager at Monarch Telecom Ltd.

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